Saturday, October 16, 2010


Thinking back on my experiences, I find Swamiji keeps giving me more than I give, and I feel Swamiji never took anything from me. Whatever I've given was donated willingly. I paid for some programs and donated for services the mission is doing. So Swami owes me nothing.

Swami only gave, more than I can give, especially when it comes to trust. In society I would not be qualified and people wouldn't trust me for the big tasks that Swami gave me the opportunity to do. Basically I do not have the knowledge for it. Even I would not give that much trust to myself.

I would not trust myself to manage the temple. Not only I was managing the temple, I was coordinating it at the national level. I would not trust myself to represent Vedic culture to the public. He put me out in front - I had such a personal connection with many devotees - trusting me with his good reputation. I handled so much cash and made many decisions that involved so much spending. I couldn't believe I was hand picked to do such seva. Many many times, I made blundering mistakes - even I would have been so upset with myself - but Swami never 'poked' me on these points. If needed He questioned me but He kept on trusting me and giving me opportunities to do even bigger things. He keep on giving me chances, to do it again and again and again till I feel comfortable or till I grow.

I trust Swamiji because He trusted me more than I trust myself.

Navaratri - Chandi Homa

Oct.16, 2010 (Bidadi)

We just finish 2nd day Chandi Homa.  The highlight is the gurukal kids (boys and girls) were worshiped.
 Then followed by brahmacharinis and rishis (married woman).  To witness Swamiji (an incarnation) to pay respect and do puja was the best.

Being a woman, I can tell, actually in Swami's ashram women are treated so divinely.  Women are empowered.  Of course, even this statement can be manipulated.Only thing I can tell you is, don't worry about what others say, what media projects, ........instead remember your time with Swamiji.  Was He very patient and healing or the other way around?