Friday, January 21, 2011

2nd day of eNSP

It's the 2nd day for eNSP, to my surprise all the participants are wide awake through out the session and participating actively even though it's been taking place overnight. I didn't think it will be that easy for people to cross the conditioning of time. But so far it looks like the participants and volunteers are doing well and going with the flow so smoothly. It's another breakthrough.

mmm....I am guessing soon, even the 'e' programs will be conducted by the Bramacharis or ashramites just like other programs.  If you can, please take the chance to attend the programs that Swami offering, especially this season, the programs Swami Himself taking the time to conduct it. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday Swami took the mission to another level.  10 different countries, did eNSP (Life Bliss Program level II) together connecting with Swamiji, real time in Bidadi.
Another expansion.  It was nice to see all other devotees and friends attending the program.  LA got vibuthi again.  New York too.  It's just another fun play of Swamiji with us.

Oh god, we are so blessed to be connected to Swamiji.  I have attended NSPs before, it truly helped me to drop all my emotional baggages.  That reminds me of Swami mentioning when comes to thoughts at least we can control them but emotion, that take control of us.