Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Paramahamsa touring Europe

Europe Tour by Swamiji in Nov 2012

Swamiji will be traveling to several major cities in Europe in Nov 2012 and major cities of North America in Jan 2013. All satsang centers that are interested in hosting Swamiji for a program in their respective cities are welcome to send an email-request to
* Tour conducted by Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Interviews about Swamiji's role in spirituality:
  1) is He God?
  2) questions about His attire, fancy clothing and jewelleries,
  3) what is swami's ultimate goal?
  4) will he gives moksha to people,
  5) will Swami take another birth? 
  6) what are the basis of Swamiji's teachings?
  7) share about 'the state of samadhi'
  8) can Swami help 3rd stage cancer? How many percent of cancer patients get healed?
  9) is Swamiji's energy getting less each time He is healing others?
10) what is the secret of Distance Healing?
11) what is the 'source' and where is the 'source'?
12) how about people who do not have faith on Swamiji? What happen to them?
13) info. about teleportation and materialization. 
14) What to expect from Swami for 2012
15) What is Samyama
16) Being an incarnation - why are there so many legal case on Swamiji? Especially the 'video' with actress, why?
17) Why there was a gap then Aarti Rao's case came-up again?
18) Is there competition between Swami and another 'well-known Swami'?
19) Where does swami get all the fund for all the Dhyanapeeta properties?
and more......

Thursday, July 19, 2012


LOS ANGELES, July 19, 2012: The Central District Court of California, USA, led by Honorable Judge Stephen F. Wilson, has cleared Nithyananda Foundation of nine charges in a civil suit filed against the Foundation by a real-estate agent Popatlal Savla.
It may be noted that Nithyananda himself is neither a trustee nor partner nor in any way legally involved in this foundation. Also, he is neither a plaintiff, nor an accused, nor a witness nor otherwise involved in the current case, which is between a devotee and Savla.
Of the ten charges made by Savla, one charge alone was found to be in favor of the plaintiff. However, the Foundation will be appealing this issue to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals forthwith. The Foundation also won the punitive damages phase of the trial.

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Live Life Fully

Do you know who is Dheera?

Please take a moment to watch this video clip about Nithyananda Dheera a.k.a Martin Williams.  It's nice to know different dimensions of the people around us.

"One of the reason I did not feel remose is because  I think I knew I did everything I could.  Driven my body to the limits, to the physical limits.  Those moments are this is it! Wow, I am about to die or could die. Prepels me to be more appreciative of being alive."

"Shed the aspect of "I am constrained by my fears",  and just live life totally and it's the most beautiful thing to do. Things constantly flower, miracles happen.  Plus you have a great time."
-Nithyananda Dheera


Friday, July 6, 2012

Ducks blown off by the wind

Strong wind ......yet they regroup

This is the video clip Swamiji was sharing with us in the satsang yesterday.

This video clip for me, speaks about the attack on Swamiji and His mission.  Nothing stops the Masters and His disciples.  All we need to do is regroup again and again, Trust the Master and follow the lead.

Here goes the Duck, ducklings follow.....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Introduction to Inner Awakening - July 2012

This is the introduction talk that Swamji (Paramahamsa Nithyananda) shared with the Inner Awakening participants from 18.

IA Introduction Talk July 2012

I welcome you all with my love and respects. Introducing the Inner Awakening program is literally impossible because till the last moment of the program, continuously you will be getting introduced to life. This program itself is an introduction to life. How can I introduce a program which is already an introduction.
I cannot classify this program as a yoga or meditation program, I cant even classify this as a program. If I am forced to classify, I will only say this whole thing is a transformation process. Transformational process is the right word I will use. May be you want to know what are we going to really do and what is it all about, who are you? There may be thousands of questions.

July Inner Awakening – Kodaikanal

Like a doctor introducing himself as a doctor, an engineer introducing himself as an engineer, I will give a factual introduction about me in 2-3 lines. Anybody who is capable of transmitting the enlightenment experience they had is called an incarnation. Person who can transmit the enlightenment experience he had is an incarnation. With this definition, I am very definite and I am very clear, I am an Incarnation to transmit the enlightenment experience.

I had the experience at the age of 12 and I discovered my capacity to transmit that experience to others at the age of 22. This whole program is nothing but helping you to discover your enlightenment experience, conscious explosion and transmitting this experience to you through awakening the Kundalini energy. Kundalini is Inner potential energy. Awakening your inner potential energy. Through awakening your innner potential energy, transmitting this experience to all of you.

This whole program is a transformational process. We have done through scientific study on this program, researches on this program. I want all of you to know all the processes, methods, techniques, technologies, kriya, yoga, breathing exercises - everything used in this program is time tested, fool proof. Now, thoroughly scientifically studied, analysed.
I don’t think any other meditation program has gone through so much of scientific scrutiny, so much of scientific studying than this program.

Last 5-6 Inner Awakenings, we are spending more time and energy on scientific studies. I am only an organizer, not inventor. I have not invented any of these methods n practices you are going to do in this 21 days. I only collected everything from the different sacred scriptures of the Hindu Tradition, the Vedic tradition and presenting it to all of you in an organized way. That’s all. I am only an organizer and presenter. I am not an inventor. Of course, I have experienced everything whatever I am sharing with you all as my personal experience. So, you can go through the whole program in a completely relaxed way.

Your body will be prepared through heavy yoga and pancha kriyas. Your mind will be prepared by the sacred truths and sacred secrets about life, every problem you faced, facing or may face.  Above all, your consciousness will be purified and awakened every day by initiation. You will have 21 energy darshans to awaken your kundalini energy, helping you to experience higher consciousness, liberating you from many of the conditioning and patterns with which you are struggling, suffering. Through various kriyas your body will be continuously  healed from various disorders and restrictions. Your body is not only suffering from disease and disorders, restrictions. There are some people who can't bend their body and touch their feet. They can only bend and touch their belly. That is also a restriction. So I am not only going to free you from disease and disorders, I am only going to free your body from restrictions, making it completely alive.

I define yogic body as body with energy, stamina, physique and power. So the yogas and kriyas which you will be practising, is not only bending the body. You will even be working with dumbbells to raise the stamina and every day you are expected to go through pancha kriyas - five cleansing methods as per the Ayurveda - cleaning your eyes, cleaning your mouth to intestine through neem juice, cleaning both nostrils through special kriya using water,  cleaning nose and throat through a special tube, using enema to clean the rectum. We have qualified experienced Siddha doctors to teach you. Pancha kriyas - five ayurvedic kriyas to heal the system and cooperate with this spiritual transformation process.

Please understand this process is not just touching your conscious mind or unconscious mind. It is going to the level of your very DNA itself. Your very bio-memory gets transformed. To tell you honestly, I don't believe your mind. How much ever I work on your mind and transform you and send you out, the moment you land in your country in the airport, by the time our spouse drives you back home, all my transformation is gone. This whole 21 day they can finish it off in 21 minutes. 

I trust only your body. So the transformation which we are going to do in this 21 days is to the level of your very DNA, your very bio-memory. That is why so many diseases and disorders, even hereditary diseases, people walk out of it. When you go out of the program, you will have more intelligence, more spiritual quotient, more emotional stability.  You body has mitochondria - roughly equate to Kundalini energy - the inner potential energy). On an average, for all participants, Mitochondria cell energy increases at least 1000% .

This whole program is designed to reproduce the various components of enlightenment in you.