Saturday, October 9, 2010

Very Special Day....

Oct. 9, 2010 (Bidadi)

Today's been another 'ultimate' or another exceptionally beautiful for me.

This morning I had an opportunity to do Pratyaksha Pada puja again.  This is my 3rd time, since I've been in Bidadi in this visit.  Today I got the center spot.  As though so close to the Divine and had the blessings to see Him with full heart.  Just so content.  Honestly, now even this desire to do pada puja has been fullfilled.  Even though I have done it in the past, still I always feel greedy to do pada puja for Swamiji.  Just because I've read and heard the benefits of it. I feel so blessed to do that seva, washing the feet of the divine and doing seva for the divine mother.  For me, one of the ultimate thing, can be done in this body is doing seva for the Divine Mother. Anyway, that's me and my 'world'.

Today after the puja, Swami gave me blessings.  God....He said something that I always wanted to hear from him.  He said something like this "All the auspiciousness.........(can't remember the rest and then I heard) You will be with me and I will be with you."  If you notice, Swami always says 'I will be with You'. Which I know divine is very compassionate, He is always with me.  The thing I know is me and my mind, tend to ignore and prevent to be connected to the existence.

Very few times, I've heard Swami blesses 'You will be with me'.  As matter of fact I've heard it only once, He blessed Bhakta Swami in Duarte for his birthday either in 2006 or 2007.  Even then itself, I thought...'wow, this is different, He says You will be with Me?'.  That's rare.

This time, when I arrived in Bidadi and got my first blessings, I think Swami did say the same thing, 'You will be with me."  But as usual the mind plays a game...I start doubting, 'did He really said that'?  But today I know for sure He said it.  He made sure I heard it well too.  Swami said very slowly, He paused and stressed it when He said "You will be with ME, I will be With YOU".

Oh another important thing, when said that, I am Not relating with His physical form.  I understood as I will always be connected to This Divine Energy.  Yes, no doubt I enjoy being in the presence of the Master.  But many people, automatically make a conclusion, that being with Him means being around Him in His physical presence. NO, at least for me it means I will be with the flow of His energy, not against the current.  Being able to recognize & experience He is Formless is a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful experience! I watched it on eNtv; it's nice to know something of the inner side too.
