Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Inner Healing
Inner Healing with four senior Swamis. Many issues were addressed, stories shared, questions answered. It was held in Bidadi ashram yesterday. Originally planned for an hour but it was too much fun & open sharing, it went on almost for 2 hours.
Some questions I remember, why sharing your experience is given so much importance?, is sanyas needed for enlightenment?, 53 days in the prison with Swamiji what is one highlight or something you would say? (I forgot the exact question, but something close to this).
1) Sharing (this was referred to sharing through Healing Towers or facebook or share it with family and friends). Every sanyasis shared their view but one that I still remember is by sharing it stays with you forever. He guaranteed this method (sharing) will bold your experience in you. Ofcourse he explained that's from his personal experience. He said when we share the experience becomes more concrete in us. He gave examples, right after any program, everyone will be in the high mood, normally everyone gets a chance to share their experience. By sharing not only we keep reminding ourselves the highest state that we have experienced; there's always a chance we can be an inspiration to others. (Actually it was really great sharing and answers but only this much I remember for now. Of course it was also mentioned about the gratitude feeling that people will have towards you, if you happen to be the bridge, connecting them with the Master).
2) Sanyas is it needed for Enlightenment? One of the answer that I remember, Sanyas surely helps the process /path to be enlightened.
3) One thing was described about Swamiji in the 53 days was Swamiji's innocence. Because of the innocence Swamiji is so compassion. When Bhakta Swami was sharing his experience being in the same physical space with the Master (53 days in the prison), as though I could experience the truth he was sharing....Inocence of Swamiji that he experienced.
Someone asked Swami Sachit if he ever felt why he was not there in Bhakta's place to take care of Swamiji; Sachit answered, he thinks there couldn't be a better person than Bhakta to be there with the Swami at that moment.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My Favorite Quotes from Swamiji's teachings:
1) Whenever you express love you become a channel for healing energy to flow.
2) Only when you feel responsible for all that is happening around you, you become a leader.
3)There can be no logic about god, there can only be love.
4) Expectation is the first enemy of love.
5) Destiny is how you choose to respond to every situation life presents to you.
6) Constantly trying to suck energy from others is what I call 'attention need'.
7) Real love simply liberates. It gives freedom to you and the other person.
8) With Sanyas, you will continue to do what you are doing but in much better way.
9) Any task done with the energy of inspiration always gives good results.
10) Worry is created out ignorance, and sustained by ego.
11)Management is not about managing. It is about living by example.
12) Your life is powerful enough to make whatever you want as reality.
13) Acceptance of fear dissolves the fear.
14) Your intensity will increase when your actions starts falling in alignment with your intentions.
15) Trust even when you are exploited.
16) 90% of your worries never materialize.
17) Nobody can hurt you unless you permit, nobody can help you unless you permit.
18) All your negativity has one power, your faith in it.
19) Giving love and attention to others is the only solution for your attention-need.
20) Coming closer to Master is the path to becoming Master.
21) Master waits many lives for you. But you have to say 'YES'
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Master the Cosmic Glory: - Healed my anger, hatred and negative thinking of...

He is one being who have given me a chance to do temple seva, by not judging me. Being a woman born and brought up in Malaysia (Islamic Country), not having a single knowledge about the vedic tradition, not to mention not from a 'priest' caste, oh...well being a woman itself we will not get a chance to do any major service in the temple (as in the general Indian society) ......not to mention so many reasons, nobody will give me a chance like Swami did. Even though He had to face the criticism from the society to put me in charge for The Vedic Temple, but for the sake of healing even one person, He is ready to take the risk. This actually broke my conditioning about woman in Vedic or overall Hinduism. Now, I have a complete shift about Hinduism. Women are treated Divinely. I am telling from 1st hand experience....
I also use to have fear of height (not acrophobia though), I can never stand on high ladders. But one day I realise standing on a 10' height ladder, on top, with saree! what happen? I was helping to put the crown for 'Lord Venkathewasra' (a 10' height deity in LA Vedic Temple, in Montclair now but this incident happened in Duarte; before moving to Montclair). The moment I realize, " hey I might fall down " the usual fear. It's too late. First of all I was holding something very precious -- venkatheswara's crown, almost done with the alankar (decoration), so no way I'm going to mess that, then it's been many times I have been helping for this in the past, nothing happened so I just stood still finish the work. Here you out of that fear or engram. It may seem simple, but only if you have experience you understand, it's not easy to come out of these type of conditioning. Really....
So many other things, example; not knowing how to chant. Come out of that low self-esteem and judgement. When I could chant and do rituals, (a person, base on the societie's requirement, rarely people will take the risk to put people like me to do rituals and manage a large temple, even I, if there's so call interview without Swami's teaching, will Never Ever consider people with my background will be qualified or accepted by the society to take the temple management and ritual responsibility). Since now Swami has given me a chance, taking the risk and critism from the public, I am very convince, anybody can be helped, not to worry about so called societal moral values. Never Ever judge someone base on the knowledge we have. It's difficult for me to put in words. I am willing to share if you are interested. May be I can call..... :) email me if you are's that?!
Really I can go on list things 'how I've been helped in many ways' by doing service under Swami. I find it difficult to put it in simple and short sentences.
When I said Swami, I am referring any enlightened being. I just happened to be connected to Swami and His teaching. I know with Swamiji (all enlightened beings)are here to help us, there's nothing we can do to help them. They have attain the ultimate. Everything we think we are doing for them is actually only to help ourselves. Again of course this is from my life experience.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Seva in the Enlightened Masters' Space
I thought today I will share my personal experience.
I truly hated Hindu or temple rituals. God....really, I never appreciated it. This big... big rituals, always felt it's a waste of time and material. Worse still, never understood a single chanting or the rituals, ....well, it was a Waste. Really.
Only when I started doing seva (volunteering service) I had a breakthrough and mental shift. Huge Shift!!!
will continue......
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Radiating inner & outer Peace!
Today's message is so lovely. Personally perfect message for me.
Real peace is completely being established in Compassion in the internal world and tremendous Courage to face the external world. When we have real peace, our presence / existence heals the world.
Swami stressed the point: Time is a thread made out of Conscious Cotton. The supply of conscious cotton is eternal and inexhaustible. Then He explained, when we are clear time is a conscious thread, then will have the knowledge, the science of taking one more body.
Swami related this wisdom, with the scandal incident. So much threat to His life. However the fear did not touch His being (my own words) because He knows the Science of taking one more body.
Yesterday, I had such a relaxxxed day. Spend time cleaning the apartment. Took a nap, had nice Big dinner, and went to bed early too. However, I had chance to spend time with one of the senior sanyasi, he was sharing how we need to just simply stretch ourselves, even after everything that has said and done. It's our responsibility to serve the society and just be compassionate and go out of our way. I clearly remember the word stretch. He said we need to 'stretch' ourselves for others not just be in our comfort zone. Something like that.....
Then this morning Swami's message fit well with yesterday's conversation - establish in complete compassion and have tremendous courage. Great click for me!
Also in the message, another click, He said (again these are my words from what I remember- you know, we only hear what we want to hear) When the resources change, situations change, understanding the change and just flow with the resources available for you. Flow with the changing strategies! Ability to be able to go with the flow of the changing situations, that's what I call as real peace. It's your conscious decision you are here. Do not be threaten by anybody. At the most they can only delay!
There is no one life. You have eternal life. Just relax into this one truth.
Life is not worth of any suffering. Anything that disturbs peace, make it piece! piece! piece! :)
Just have the ability to change the strategy. Sometime it (the strategy, people, things, place, anthing) was important but does not have the importance now. Understanding to flow. They are liberated people. Have the fluidity!
People who are flying with me, they are the ultimate stable people. Living in the utter insecurity is enlightenment.
Of course, I have heard this type of messages before but today it 'hit' me and it's a great click. I was in the Sarwa Darshan line, and got blessings from Swamiji this morning. Felt really good and light. Beautiful feeling.
Thanks to everyone who are sending nice messages to me. Appreciate it very much. Thank you again....
Having Own TV Station
Our web TV is not even a month old since Swami inaugurated it. I personally felt, 'Oh God....I am glad we have our own station. At least we can air the news from our side too...'. Really that's what I thought when Deccan Herald simply released defamatory article.
Before, I came to Bidadi, many said, if it's published in the newspaper, there must be some truth in it. Made sense....logically, but I know my experience with Swamiji is different (especially being a woman) but I'm able to express it logically. So I listened and move on with no words because I do not have facts on my side, only experience.
I was shocked when I arrived in Bidadi all the things, some of these officials do and to see how media abuse Swamiji. I am living here right now, and one of the tv channel aired a news saying that Swami's running a prostitution center. It was just because one fellow is reporting some is being hurt / raped here in Bidadi. Up to now, none of 'the raped victim'has been identified. The same time I saw how the legal authorities did not want to take any complains from the ashram's side, when the ashramites wanted to file a complain. Now, I saw the printed material from Deccan Herald ....just wrote and print an article as they like. Actually, I came to know such woman who they claimed to step-up and complained against Swamiji did not even exist, the writer created just to get 'hits' of sensational news.
I am glad that we at least have web tv. We are working on improving the quality. Please bear with us, this eNTV is a new initiative for us - a baby so to speak. (English) (Tamil)
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's been another beautiful day for me.
I love Swami's message yesterday morning. True Love, how both beings' awareness flow into each other or 'overlaps'. So beautifully He explained the so called love; connection in physical level and mental level.
Then yesterday there I came to know another way some of the Indian medias abusing the spiritual Masters. Of course it's up on the Dhyanapeetam site. About the movie defaming swamiji based on rumors and complete irresponsible....(how am i suppose to describe this)any way let me just stop here. Check out the link on Dhyanapeetam website:
God....actually, I started writing with some additional flow but now, the link above made me to something else.
How long will we go On abuse these spiritual beings, just out of our own deep fear and greed. God.....I just can believe this!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Evening Yoga Sutra talk was great. But honestly, I can't remember a single point. I clearly remember He putting us in a loonnggggggg meditation. One point I had to open my eyes, to assist a lady in the meditation session. So I assisted and then continue to assist the whole group, the ladies section. Pretty neat to see, the magic that happens when our Vyana get balanced.
Yesterday I had a chance to interview sharing experience while the 'scandal time' God.....everyone should watch this program. It's mind boggling to hear the story from all different end. Living in LA, I've heard the story from Internet, TV, friends, devotees, ex-ashramites, and also from the people who 'dropped' Swamiji. Now, to hear the story from this end it's completely another dimension. God.....the sensational story, facts and Truth are all so different. It's interesting to see how our mind made judgement based on very limited information as though we know everything.
I am 'growing' everyday.......each day understanding the play of mind even better, each day I'm learning something...truth, patient, world, friends, family, relationships, society, compassion, love........
Friday, September 17, 2010
Then Swami wanted us to do some Hatta Yoga techniques. While holding the breath we have to do a few different movements. Honestly.....if not because of Swami's presence and His sense of humor (completely making fun of us) the session would have been not fun at all. Really, it was difficult.
After that in the afternoon we had Maheswara Puja. Listen to the eNTV for the explanation of Maheswara Puja. That was fun. Sanyasis were served food. Prior to that Swami had some food and then gave handful of food to all the Sanyasis and Rishis. I did my task start serving the Sanyasis, He called me and gave a hand full of rice too from His own. Of course I shared with all other ashramites who are neither Sanyasi nor Rishis order (married couples received initiation as ashramites).
I was really counting my blessings today to be here in Bidadi and to witness Master's Leela.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sept. 16, 2010 (Bidadi)
A few words from Swamiji was a great click for me:
He said in the Gita Lord Krishna said: (I am not sure exact words but it sounded something like this)
'If you sacrifice that, to have me; You will have that & you will have me too.
If you sacrifice me to have that; You will not have me & you will not have that too.
Swami said not only for Krishna, the same concept applies for Him too, as the incarnation.
Another click:
Live it to leave it!
He explained: Live and leaving are two side of the same coin. All the auspicious things should be lived so you can leave without feeling you are missing something. Whether it is living or leaving both should be complete.
One small click to have healthy / Yogic body:
It is said in the Gita: Eat freshly cooked food within 3 hours time after it's been prepared.
So I guess canned food, frozen food & fast food diet will not help us to have a Yogic body!
Yogic body reminds me of sitting in full lotus position. Swami showed to us how He's able to sit in full lotus position, without touching His feet. So if you have any plans to be here sometime soon like for IA or LBE and so on, start practise sitting in Lotus Position now itself.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Making fun of Ma Praba's news reading....oops!
Here we are having fun as I am typing this blog. I wanted to get the url for youtube news reading, so hearing me reading, So here we are having fun watching the news reading.
You have fun too......especially the one at the bottom of the three. Have fun, beside sincerely listening to Master's message.
Sept. 12th,
Sept. 11th, news
Sept. 10th, news.
Can the mind heal the body?
Answering the question: can the mind heal the body?
Swamiji said only the mind can heal the body. Whatever other things we think are healing the body, is healing, because the mind thinks it will heal the body.
He brought to our awareness beside the benefits of globalization, there are some problem with globalization because we are very unique individuals. Body is not the same, temperature is not the same, lifestyle is not the same, belief is not the same. So if we are not aware, globalization has it's own danger. All the uniqueness are getting lost.
Swami emphasized again that only mind can heal the body. Our way of thinking changed. The message I got was retain the uniqueness of individualization.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
This morning Swami's talked abut healing. A few things I remember well, because I'm able to relate with my personal life. Example, Swami was explaining what happens when He heals, I can relate because I've been helped so many times with Swami's healing. Then He was also explaining the process that Masters work on devotees or disciples. That was something I can relate too. Living in the ashram constantly we have the awareness Master is working on us.
Anyway here's somethings that I remember from the morning talk.
In theVedic tradition, energy is known as prana, in China it's called as Chi, in Japan as Ki. Native Hawaiian and native Americans also have special process to consciously use this energy. When this energy is used to create extraordinary happenings in the body and mind, it's called healing and when it's used on matter, the happening are called miracles!
Any energy field when it is brought near another, higher energy field stars vibrating at the frequency of the higher energy field. In relation to the statement above, I remember Swamiji saying something like this "that is why, whenever you come near me, however much you try to tell me, all your problem, suddenly either you forget then or they lose their power over your inner space.
When ever we come near the Master, He raises our frequency. Swami also said whatever is forgotten in you is not part of you. It is not worthy living. But if you give importance to that part, you are giving power to the wrong side. You don't allow the healing to happen.
Zen Masters says; even if the Master does something which feels bad to you, only good can come out of it!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ganesh Chathurti

This morning the day started for me with meeting more people from US. A big group of people arrived in the ashram for the 10 days program. It's feels like a big family gathering. Last I remember, a big event similar to this with people coming from all over to attend Swami's program was in LA Vedic Temple inauguration in November, 2007.
This morning Swami started the talk by wishing us Happy Ganesh Chaturti. He shared His experience, Ganesh eating the food He offered when He was a kid, gave Him a such a strong vitharka.
Swami explained to us, how Ganesha is a very undemanding God. You can relate with Him in a very simple way. Doesn't need any major rituals and so on. Ganesha can be created just with turmeric or clay. He is so simple too. In India, we can find Ganesha almost in every corner of a street. Ganesha is also most worshipped Hindu God.
Swami also took the time to explain, symbolic representation of Ganesha. The tool that He is holding in the right hand (angkusha) is used to control an elephant. That small tool is good enough to control an elephant. That represent, even a mind as big as elephant can be controled with a small and powerful technique called 'Unclutching'. The tool Ganesha holding in the left hand (paasha) is used to control attachment. In our life thoughts plus attachment it becomes engram. Since Ganesha has control over His attachments, so He doesn't allow the attachment to happen. That represent if we can have control over attachment, engram or engraved memories will not happen in us. Finally, bottom right hand of Ganesha holding a broken tusk, He broke His tusk when He was writing a Mahabarata Poem for Viyaasa, suddenly His pen broke. For not to miss the responsibility He committed to, He spontaneously and courageously broke His tusk and used it to replace the broken pen and continued writing. This represents we need spontaneity and courage to sacrifice in our life. Then the bottom left hand, Ganesha holding (mothaka) one type of Ganesha's favorite Indian dessert. That represent if we have all the qualities of 3 hands - unclutching, ability not to be attached and spontaneous in life with courage to sacrifice will bring sweetness to life.
Ganesha's big belly represents the cosmos, with all the qualities above we will find cosmos is in us, we are cosmos. (these are the words I remembered, without even taking any notes, please listen to Swami's talk directly on YouTube.)
As a humble offerings with deep gratitude, ashram is offering 1008 items naivedhyam to Lord Ganesh for eating the food Swamiji offered when He was a young boy.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! May Ganesha destroy and remove all the obstacles in our life.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Famous for Fun
OK, life is fun! Here I am famous for fun. A couple days ago, our web TV director gave me an opportunity to share the happenings in Bidadi on web TV. Here have fun watching your friend Ma Praba reporting from Bidadi (oooops) Please bear with me, I am still in training. (Sept. 8th, 2010) (Aug. 22nd, 2010)
Feel free to give constructive feedback for our web TV. You are also welcome to share Nithyananda news from your end, with everyone else by sending your news or updates or stories to If you are creative, welcome to share your home recorded videos. One of the video we received from our friends -- the devotees children (maybe 4 years old twins) doing Guru Puja and innocently feeding Swami's photo. Really cute!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Celebrations and Games
Check out this video clip, I did mention on Krishna Jayanthi Swami was playing games with the LEP participants and ashramites. Here's the link: (Total 5:21 minutes, check it out at 0:33 seconds). Enjoy!
Don't miss your chance again to be in the presences of the Enlightened Master or Incarnation and experience moments like this. How many times will we miss it? We are responsible for choosing to miss this opportunities!
'Open the door; Let the breeze in'.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Kurangkan Laju
Today again Swami was talking about awareness. 'Hurry-up to Slow down'. I think that's the topic for today.
I was feeling very sleepy while morning talk because last night (or early this morning) after midnight I was busy chatting with a friend of mine in LA sharing my deeper experience in this ashram. That's including the scandal, the program, Swami's personality, the community leaving and so on. I started sharing, we ended up chatting for almost 3 hours. So I didn't get to bed till 3:00am. Then I got up by 5:30am. So I was feeling sleepy in the temple while Swami was giving His morning talk.
Suddenly, I became wide awake. Can you guess why? It's funny, I'll be surprise if anyone could guess it right. Actually suddenly I heard Swami mentioning something about Malaysia and then He utter two Malay words - 'Kurangkan Laju'. He was talking about being aware in our daily activities, for that it's OK to slow down.
So when Swami was in Malaysia, one of the devotee asked Swamiji "tell us in our language what is your message." Swami was thinking it seems, "I've bee in Malaysia only two days (not sure which year was this visit) he want me to tell him in his language my message".
In that visit Swami noticed a sign on the road everywhere He goes, so he asked the driver what it says and what does that mean? The driver said it's written 'Kurangkan laju' which means 'slow down.' That observation helped Swami to answer this devotee's question. Swami said His message is "Kurangkan Laju!" Then He connected that with awareness and slow down. I thought that was very clever and spontaneous! The best part, Swami said it in Malay with no accent, very clear and crisp message. That woke me up! :) Swami speaking Malay?! That's cool. Being born and brought in Malaysia, I was excited to hear something about Malaysia and hear Swami speaking Malay. Interesting to see, how much my being is connected to the language, cluture and country that I was exposed, most in my life.
Oh.. one nice tip from Swami's talk for me today was, when you do something, know what you are doing. It helps us to be aware. Example: when we eat, we know we are eating the whole time, not suddenly realize....hey the food is finished.
Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment (You Tube video clip, enjoy!)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sitting with the Master

Today again Swami was giving importance for having healthy body. Yogic body. How we should own the body and the body should listen to us. Body is the closest thing that we relate on daily basis so He was sharing the importance of having healthy body and accepting our body.
It is very clear that body has it's own intelligence and it will listen to us. "The body has intelligence to change food into blood", He said. Well it make sense. So it has the intelligence to stay healthy too.
Then He was also stressing how important to live in awareness. Of course He has put us is the Radiate Enlightenment Process, one of it is Zen Living, so we have to be aware of every action.
OK now I have to share the fun part. FOOD... wow, food here is great. I enjoy it much. Normally I care less for Indian food but this time, it's different experience. Food here is so tasty and so many varieties too. Today is Sevananda's birthday. He is one of the man who's been helped by Swamiji with His healing. I forgot Sevananda's disease but I remember him sharing that he had a fatal disease and Doctors gave-up on him.
Today we celebrated his 60th birthday. We had a feast. I had parotha, vada, chikku (fruit), vanilla & chocolate ice-cream, rasam (in a cup), sambar, eggplant. There was kheer too but I care less for Indian dessert.
Life in this ashram is so complete. Incarnation, enlightened beings, kids, fun & play time, seva, good food, spiritual and coperate training, great food, great outdoor environment. I can go on and on. Especially the Living Master and the community who are here to learn and help each other. That's the ultimate. Everyone helping each other and continuously looking inward. On top of having a Living Enlighten Master, contniously provide unconditional love and care.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Radiating Enlightenment Process (REP)
Just came out of another sitting with the Master (ashramites meeting). More and more I am realizing why living around the Master is emphasized so much. For me living around the Master is like life with 'Zen Stick'. Constantly He burns the ignorance in us. Even better for the people who work closely with Him. Consciously or unconsciously we will imbibe His enlightened and graceful verbal and body language. He will penetrate us. Without His physical presence we may learn the techniques for life solutions and growth. In His presence it's constant breakthrough in our awareness.
Actually, Swamiji just put ashramites in Radiate Enlightenment Process (REP). Yogic body, Vedic mind and Zen Living. Yesterday afternoon, Swami called all the ashramites to be out of Living Enlightenment Process. I was so happy because I was not interested in levitating or floating above the water and so on.
Now, He has put us in REP. It's living quality. It's amazing. I tend to share my passion being around the physical presence of the Master. Many times, many people misinterpret my sharing about this in their own ways. Just now, it was clear to me, when we are in the presence of the Master, there is no room to escape. In the Living Space of the Master, He penetrates into our consciousness all the time. And when we practice His teachings, His community (sangga) will support and help us towards Master's teaching. It's not the same when we are in the society when majority of them are not aware of it.
Another sweet experience today for me was 'the smell of Master's presence'. Yesterday, I happened to be in the LA e-Kalpataru in Bidadi (from the Master's end). Today I had a chance to speak to Ma Mahati in LA. She said she asked Swamiji for help in the kitchen. Swami replied "I will help you in the kitchen. You see, you will smell my presence. The smell around me when I give energy darshan". I had no clue His presence has particular smell. I was wondering what smell is that! But today I experienced it. After the meeting, Swami passed by me, such a sweet smell. My, I know what He meant.
Let's not judge the Master's action with our perception / senses. Even people around us we always make wrong judgement, what more judging the Living Enlightened Master, not to mention the Incarnation. mmm....are we going to use our senses to judge them and make the mistake again and again....? Let's help each other to grow not the other way....
Ashramites Meeting with Swamiji
Today is my first time attending ashramites meeting in Bidadi with Swamiji. He was very casual and funny. We all know how spontaneous He can be. He was emphasizing on healthy body and spiritual sadhanas for the ashramites. It appears to me as though He was playing the role of a Father. Checking with all His children how are we doing? Anything that He needs to know. Anything that we need His help. Solving and addressing our issues. Then He was giving us specific guidance for better quality of life in a very casual way.
Other than that Swami was stressing the importance of healthy yogic body. He was teasing Indian women by the time we are fourty we become like patti (grandmother). It was hilarious the way He said it. God...we had so much fun in the meeting.
I really feel so grateful to be trained by a Paramahamsa in the name called ashramites. It's amazing to see how much He is putting His time and energy to give us clarity and awareness. It's really great!
Yoga is efficiency in action!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
E-Kalpataru in Los Angeles
Sunday, Sept. 5th, 2010 (Bidadi)
Today, LA had their second E-Kalpataru. One should be here to see the compassion of the Master. Giving blessings to everyone with deep compassion and confidence. How much He is willing to do to for the humanity.
Again today's time with the Master was fun, fun, fun.....
I got a very nice attention from the Master. :) As usual we had meditation session. I was dragging my feet. God...this session in not easy. I was thinking, 'you said we are enlightened, then why do we have to do all these?' Ooops...Master the Master mind reader. In the session, one of the first thing He said was 'All of you listen, these session are now for you to taste your own enlightenment. Such as, you say something and see it happening in 10 minutes, experience of levitating and so on.'.
Swami have not been giving me much attention these days. Only on the first day, He hugged me and blessed. Then today while I was meditating, He said "Ma Praba, you are catching it. You are a Yogi." Actually just a few seconds before that I was thinking, He was mentioning most of the participants name and correcting or complementing them. I was thinking "what about me, am I doing it right." In matter of seconds, He called my name and said I am catching it.
After the session, got a lot of teasing attention from ashramites, "Ma Praba, hey...Yogi"
In the session He was very playful. Cracking a lot of jokes and making some funny comments, the way we were meditating.
Oh...did I mention, that Swami spent more than an hour last night cleaning the Hall that we were using. Just with 6 other participants. I haven't come across a genius as simple and humble like Him.
The beginning of this session, Swami shared a bit of His experience in the prison. Almost everyday He shares something about this scandal or His time in the prison. Most of the time He makes fun of it. Today, He opened up one dimension of it, very brief but it made me to cry. What they put Him through.
Do you know, 3 of the Bramacharis in the ashram were locked in a small building and people tried to burn them. This small building is preserved now. The reality is so different than what media is projecting. Honestly, even now there's no justice. Couple days after being in the Bidadi ashram, I heard the news, Lenin announced in one of the famous Indian TV channel that Swami is running a prostitution center in Bidadi and every women here are sleeping with Him. It was aired in one of the major Indian tv channel. When the ashramites went to the police station to file a complain, the officers did not want to take / file the report. I was shocked. I have never seen such thing other than in Indian movie. Justice under the control of power and money! I was honestly very shocked to witness this. Can't even file a report?! That one fellow receive so much support and publicity for a news that's not even true and the victims here, their voices are not heard. Oh...lord.
Anyway, this is not really a topic I wanted to share but somehow I happen to share. Swami has been so transparent with us, with the scandal questions in this LEP session. He completely opened-up.
While the scandal was happening, I was working and renting a place to Monrovia / Duarte. I know how it appear in the societal eyes. I know clearly every single person that I had connection then, who abused the Master not knowing the truth. Then I joined the ashram, after Swami came out of the prison. I saw another side of the story. Now, I am with the Master (the victim), God..... I tell you, the truth is deeper than what our senses perceive and the media projects. It is really sad....those who were caught in the cyclone of this scandal. It's REALLY sad. I mean it! But Master is too compassionate even if we imprisoned Him, He is only liberating us.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Exact Happening in 2012
Friday, Sept 3rd, 2010 (Bidadi)
I just came from the LEP evening session. It was a blast. Swami did not predict but He shared exactly what will happen in 2012. Who have lived or experienced the happenings after Swami's statements, you can relate and understand this.
2012 is a very hot topic that's been covered by all type of medias. Including in the Internet the most searched and read about is The Happening in 2012.
There will be two happenings to Humanity. 1. people who are completely based on thinking base will hit depression. 2. Humanity who are base on less thinking and more action base will be moving towards high consciousness. So practice the unclutching so it will be easier to balance less thinking age. Actually the whole planet will have less central gravity pull in the year of 2012, which will naturally cause the drop in thinking and drop in weight too, without doing anything on our side.
This happened once when Lord Krishna was in the body, 5000 years ago. Now it will happen again in 2012. Many have come again for this. So blessed are those who are in the right place, at the right time with the right person. So the positive happening in 2012 is the raising in human consciousness. Happening of 10,000 enlighten beings. Between 2012 to 2015 it will move from Human consciousness to Divine consciousness on this planet earth.
Again, this are my words that I remembered. Swami spoke about it for about an hour with clear details. Look for his video. This is the best I remember, again not exactly His words. These are the words I remembered. :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, Sept. 2nd, 2010 (Bidadi)
Ganesha Brahmotsav and Krishna Jayanthi. What a day! Celebration after celebration.
Quick sharing: Swami was like Krishna yesterday in His appearance. We were whistling and clapping our hands to see Him in the colorful outfit. Appeared like sweet Krishna with peacock feather on His turban and a flute in His hands. It's like soothing therapy for the eyes.
Then the best part for me, Swami start giving butter to us from a clay pot. Prasad from the Master. Then we were playing games with Him. Check out the website for pictures.
As soon as I came out to hit the pot, He said " 2' / 4' height, how are they going to break the pot'. Of course He was teasing. As He said I only got wet....trying to hit break the pot. I am too short for the height Swami was holding the pot (with rope -- look for pic. difficult to describe).
Then another fun part was Swami shared food with us, He gave all of us a hand full of tamarind rice and we sat near the Vaidhya Sarovar and had dinner together with Him. Of course before that we did special Anahata meditation -- because Krishna is related to heart center. It's all about unconditional love!
Did I mention those who are following Master in this Himalaya Yatra not only will have the spiritual experience but also will be celebrities. They will be in a Documentary Drama that will be selected for the International movie fest. Here you go....another dimension of the Master.
Kundalini Awakening
There was a process that Swami did for Kundalini awakening. Oh my god...what did I got into.
It was difficult for me to follow the exact instructions. I was struggling. It had to do with breathing, lung capacity and liver response. uughh! Too intense. That's one part of the meditation.
Another part of the meditation, I felt like I could do that forever. There was a short Arunachala song played and along with it Swami added some drum music and so on for the explosion of muladhara chakra. From what I remember, I think Swami said that's the song Ramana Maharishi sang to Arunachala (something to do with Kundalini awakening too). It was so powerful and compact. Just SO intense. Wow...even to think about it feels good.
Loud beautiful music with such a nice sounds felt like in different space. I am sure it must have to do with Master's work in different level too beside the music. God...I wish I could transfer / replay and share that moment with everyone.
Other than Living Enlightenment Process, yesterday a bunch of us gathered to work of the eN TV with Ma Shantananada. That's our web TV. After that, the Puja Acharyas of LA, San Jose and Ohio temple met the head of the temple dept. here and work together for alankar (dressing) Krishna, Anandeshawara & Anandeshwari and also Ganesha for the Krishna Jayanthi & Ganesha Bramotsav.