continued.. - Healed my anger, hatred and negative thinking of our Hindu tradition. Especially being a woman, I use to think in Hinduism discriminate woman. Only with Swami's teachings, I understood
women are treated as Divine.
He is one being who have given me a chance to do temple seva, by not judging me. Being a woman born and brought up in Malaysia (Islamic Country), not having a single knowledge about the vedic tradition, not to mention not from a 'priest' caste, oh...well being a woman itself we will not get a chance to do any major service in the temple (as in the general Indian society) ......not to mention so many reasons, nobody will give me a chance like Swami did. Even though He had to face the criticism from the society to put me in charge for The Vedic Temple, but for the sake of healing even one person, He is ready to take the risk. This actually broke my conditioning about woman in Vedic or overall Hinduism. Now, I have a complete shift about Hinduism.
Women are treated Divinely. I am telling from 1st hand experience....
I also use to have fear of height (not acrophobia though), I can never stand on high ladders. But one day I realise standing on a 10' height ladder, on top, with saree! what happen? I was helping to put the crown for 'Lord Venkathewasra' (a 10' height deity in LA Vedic Temple, in Montclair now but this incident happened in Duarte; before moving to Montclair). The moment I realize, " hey I might fall down " the usual fear. It's too late. First of all I was holding something very precious -- venkatheswara's crown, almost done with the
alankar (decoration), so no way I'm going to mess that, then it's been many times I have been helping for this in the past, nothing happened so I just stood still finish the work. Here you out of that fear or engram. It may seem simple, but only if you have experience you understand, it's not easy to come out of these type of conditioning. Really....
So many other things, example; not knowing how to chant. Come out of that low self-esteem and judgement. When I could chant and do rituals, (a person, base on the societie's requirement, rarely people will take the risk to put people like me to do rituals and manage a large temple, even I, if there's so call interview without Swami's teaching, will
Never Ever consider people with my background will be qualified or accepted by the society to take the temple management and ritual responsibility). Since now Swami has given me a chance, taking the risk and critism from the public, I am very convince, anybody can be helped, not to worry about so called societal moral values. Never Ever judge someone base on the knowledge we have. It's difficult for me to put in words. I am willing to share if you are interested. May be I can call..... :) email me if you are's that?!
Really I can go on list things 'how I've been helped in many ways' by doing service under Swami. I find it difficult to put it in simple and short sentences.
When I said Swami, I am referring any enlightened being. I just happened to be connected to Swami and His teaching. I know with Swamiji (all enlightened beings)are here to help us,
there's nothing we can do to help them. They have attain the ultimate. Everything we think we are doing for them is actually only to help ourselves. Again of course this is from my life experience.