Yesterday was outing day for me. Krishnananda, Kaviya and myself, we the LA gang went to Banglore city. Of course we followed a local devotee. The fun part is we took a public bus and of course 'auto riksha' too. It was Krishnananda first time on a auto riksha. Of course because this is her first visit to India. Lucky her, first time ever she came to India, she went to Himalayas and also got initiated into sanyas. Nice.......
Banglore city, the bazzars and shops reminded me of Bombay, in someways. I really had a good time.
Oh.....I surprised Kaiviya and Krishnanda yesterday. Actually I was surprise with my own action. Yesterday, before we hit the road, to go back to Bidadi. We stopped at a place call 'Natural Ice-Cream'. mmm.....yummy. It's more like frozen yogurt place in the US, not the ice-cream but the choices and display.
Those who know me, they know I literally live with ice-cream. There was a season, I had ice-cream for breakfast , lunch, dinner and in between snacks. My friends at work (in Sunrise LA) they can tell stories Ma (me) and ice-cream. God....I will not eat anything at work other than ice-cream. My close friends, Stan, Krishna, Malini, Selina, talk to any of them, they will tell you that I will simply get excited when even I just think of ice-cream. Now.....I was completely relax, not excited, not craving...........and the best part yesterday I passed on ice-cream. I was not even aware that I passed on 'Ice-cream" till Kaviya told me "ma, I can't believe that You said no to ice-cream." When she brought to my attention, then even I was surprise. "You are right! It's not like!" I told her it could be the power of Master's initiation. These days we just eat twice a day. No snacking in between. Before each meal I have to take my bath and do Gurupuja. I had my breakfast in the morning before the trip to Banglore so before my second intake of food I have to take my bath and do puja, I will not be able to do until I get back home, so no snacking, that's all. I didn't even think further.

But honestly, it may look like simple for you to think it's normal and what's the big deal? Oh me, ice-cream, literally like an addiction. Especially already in the store and missing it, mmm......that's very unlikely. The best part is my brain didn't even think 'oh! it's ice-cream or I am missing something , .... ...! Until Kaviya brought it to my attention. Really, knowing myself, that's like 'Ice-cream dropped me' not 'I dropped the ice-cream'.
Difficult for me to express the inside feeling or engram.....dropping without my effort. Nice experience.....