Interviews about Swamiji's role in spirituality:
1) is He God?
2) questions about His attire, fancy clothing and jewelleries,
3) what is swami's ultimate goal?
4) will he gives moksha to people,
5) will Swami take another birth?
6) what are the basis of Swamiji's teachings?
7) share about 'the state of samadhi'
8) can Swami help 3rd stage cancer? How many percent of cancer patients get healed?
9) is Swamiji's energy getting less each time He is healing others?
10) what is the secret of Distance Healing?
11) what is the 'source' and where is the 'source'?
12) how about people who do not have faith on Swamiji? What happen to them?
13) info. about teleportation and materialization.
14) What to expect from Swami for 2012
15) What is Samyama
16) Being an incarnation - why are there so many legal case on Swamiji? Especially the 'video' with actress, why?
17) Why there was a gap then Aarti Rao's case came-up again?
18) Is there competition between Swami and another 'well-known Swami'?
19) Where does swami get all the fund for all the Dhyanapeeta properties?
and more......