Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept. 21, 2010 (Bidadi)

It's been another beautiful day for me.

I love Swami's message yesterday morning. True Love, how both beings' awareness flow into each other or 'overlaps'. So beautifully He explained the so called love; connection in physical level and mental level.

Then yesterday there I came to know another way some of the Indian medias abusing the spiritual Masters. Of course it's up on the Dhyanapeetam site. About the movie defaming swamiji based on rumors and complete irresponsible....(how am i suppose to describe this)any way let me just stop here. Check out the link on Dhyanapeetam website:

God....actually, I started writing with some additional flow but now, the link above made me to something else.

How long will we go On abuse these spiritual beings, just out of our own deep fear and greed. God.....I just can believe this!