I thought can speak and share the other side of the story of Doug. He keep on abusing Swamiji and all the devotees. He knows this is a way to hurt all of Swami's followers, including me. So I thought, let me also tell Doug's story. Let me tell, surely it is not easy. God....really don't know what type of mental set-up and brain this Doug has to maintain the cult blog.Thinking about this fellow itself make me feel not interested and only feel sick. To think and write about him, it drains my energy.
Now I understand, it is surely million times easier to share something beautiful and healthy. Good thing simply overflows, and rejuvenates our being. I will continue to share here and there but think will focus more on Swami's great teachings. Again, we simply keeping quiet for this type abusing action is also not right. Swami want us to be strong like Shiva and compassionate like Devi.
Only thought that's keep crossing my mind is "so grateful, divine saved me".