Sunday, September 12, 2010


Sept. 12, Sunday (Bidadi)

This morning Swami's talked abut healing. A few things I remember well, because I'm able to relate with my personal life. Example, Swami was explaining what happens when He heals, I can relate because I've been helped so many times with Swami's healing. Then He was also explaining the process that Masters work on devotees or disciples. That was something I can relate too. Living in the ashram constantly we have the awareness Master is working on us.

Anyway here's somethings that I remember from the morning talk.
In theVedic tradition, energy is known as prana, in China it's called as Chi, in Japan as Ki. Native Hawaiian and native Americans also have special process to consciously use this energy. When this energy is used to create extraordinary happenings in the body and mind, it's called healing and when it's used on matter, the happening are called miracles!

Any energy field when it is brought near another, higher energy field stars vibrating at the frequency of the higher energy field. In relation to the statement above, I remember Swamiji saying something like this "that is why, whenever you come near me, however much you try to tell me, all your problem, suddenly either you forget then or they lose their power over your inner space.
When ever we come near the Master, He raises our frequency. Swami also said whatever is forgotten in you is not part of you. It is not worthy living. But if you give importance to that part, you are giving power to the wrong side. You don't allow the healing to happen.

Zen Masters says; even if the Master does something which feels bad to you, only good can come out of it!

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