Friday, June 15, 2012

Swamiji is out!

This morning June 15th, 2012; when I received the message that 'Swamiji is out'.
I was greatful to hear the news. Also felt responsible to share the news with others.  Many came to the temple yesterday evening to show their support.  Many couldn't make it but did show their support in many other ways.  Thank you so much everyone. As Swamiji said we are one big family.

So Ma Praba started texting the message to all the devotees that she has their phone number saved on her cell phone.

Later, she took the time to read the replies.  It was interesting to see people's reaction / feedback.  Here are some of it, every beings unique expression.

Can you guess which is yours?    :)

MP- Ma Praba sent a text:   Swamiji is out!

By VS, Michigan: Yahoo! Let them eat vegan cake! Hehe

By EC, LA: Great!

By YYS, LA: Omg!!! Thank u!!!!

By DN, Vancouver: Hurray!!!

By SM, LA: Yay!

By MSM, LA: Jai jai jai! Yipee! Thank U! Soooo happy!

By VM, LA: Great Congratulations

By S, LA: Nithyanandam

By SC, LA: Yep saw it

By P, New Jersey: I heard! On bail or charges dropped.  Yesss!! I just got a drop of honey on my padukas while doing puja
MP: Serious?
P: A drop. I tasted it was sweet
MP: Thnx for sharing the miracle. Take a pic.
P: I ate it already it was just a drop but def honey

By VG, Sedona: Thank you Ma for sharing great news! My heart is singing Nithyanandam!

By S, Seattle: GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! MA! Thanks a lot for sharing Ma! Love, N!

By SB, TX: It is great news. Thank you.

By JV, LA: Great :)

By RI, TX: YES!! Thank you for this news!

By RJ, Seattle: Thx maa!!

By R, Seattle: Thanks for the good news Ma!

By V, Seattle: Thanks for the news. Great

By VA, LA: Praise God....I am so grateful He is safe. Nithyananda!


By AM, LA: Truth shall always prevail!

By MO, Canada: Thanks!

By PK, LA: Great

By KS, LA: Great wonderful news

By MP, LA: Yay!!! I've been praying so much, as have all

By B, Canada: Thank you

By SM, San Jose: Tnk u ma :)

By MT, San Jose: Yes :)

By P, San Jose: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees . Mean he safely came to ashram?
MP: He is safe with our ashramities not in police custody, will inform the location soon.
P: Oh god

By LT, LA: Yay!!!

By DB, Las Vegas: Yessssss

By NSW, LA: Yes!! Woohoo! The light is too bright to be contained :)

BY AB, OK (email): Yeah Ma!!! Thank you so so much for the news.
Oh dear God please be safe. We need you!!!
Ha ha, praying to god to keep god safe!!

Peaceful fast and prayer successful

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