Friday, May 18, 2012

Extension of the Self

Rushed to ER

Two days ago, after Swamiji's daily satsang, one of the ashramites informed me that our LA temple devotee "SC is in the hospital.  Chest pain."  

Interesting reaction from the ashramites. One rushed to the hospital.  In matter of seconds he left the temple.  Another person went to Swami's Padukas and started praying.   One more ashramite rushed to me and said "please pass the message to Swamiji".  I was gathering all the devotees to offer aarti and pray for SC.

I quickly made the call to India, passed the message.  Then all of us did prayers and also offered aarti. Got the message from another ashramite "Swamiji said, he will take care of him".  

The highlight for me was my reaction. I really felt dear one, of like family member was rushed to ER.  Of course went to the hospital right away with vibuthi and some prasad.  Really the feeling and reaction, I had was like my own brother or father, like someone very close.  One extension of me.   I was not worried or sad, but the first reaction and feeling like immediate family need help.

I had this emotion and reaction only with my immediate family members in the past, like my mom, dad, sister and brothers.  Then of course my husband.  After ashram living, that family feeling and spontaneous care and love developed to ashramites.  Now, interesting to witness it's extended to our devotees.  To my surprise, I felt this for SC.  He comes to temple regularly.  He goes to hike with ashramites.  Of course, he really support the activities of our LA temple.  Nothing like I am 'close' to him or his family.  Yes, close because they are regular devotees. 

The point is I experienced the deep feeling of care for bigger social circle.  From parents and siblings, to ashramites and now devotees.  Do not know if I will feel and react the same for all devotees, but surely some expansion has happened in me. I only know SC after 2010 and only as swami's devotee.  He has strong connection to Swamiji.  

SC is fine. Discharged of the hospital the very next day :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Doug and his counselor

Doug had two close friends that he was hanging out.  Then he claimed they were his employers.  He said he was working for these two guys: Jeff and Gaynesh from the Bay Area.  So Doug use to rent a office space in Monrovia.  Travel a lot.  Carry couple cell phones.  Go for some social events. Neither he got reimbursement or received a single paycheck working for them for 2 years. 

Came to know his friend & 'employer' Jeff is the one who was helping and giving ideas what to do and how to handle issues Doug was having in his marriage. Jeff himself went through 2 divorces and was facing instability in his 3rd marriage (year 2008), by now 2012, wonder how many marriages and divorces he went through.  What type of knowledge & experience would this guy have about marriage?  Doug asking advice from this guy when his marriage was going through instability.  What can you expect?

After my divorce, I came to know who gave the idea of restraining order and kick me out of the house and so on.  It was his close friend, Jeff who went through couple divorces and maybe going through one more. So of course this guy is an expert of divorces, and knows cunning ways, to make people's life miserable & marriages fall a part. Have to admit, Jeff did a great job.  Doug did hang out with the right person to lead a blissful life?! I am the one who is on the wrong path following His Holiness Parahamsa Nithyananda's teaching!!!

Doug, Jeff and Gaynesh started following a 'new' Guru.  I met him.  Of course Doug lied to me and took me to him.  You can even check out on YouTube, Maharishi Om commenting about  Swamiji during the scandal rumor.  Asking Swamiji to apologize to His disciples.

Maharishi Om