Monday, December 27, 2010
Wake-up call from existence
He lost a lot of weight. He looked kind of lost, and he said now he is getting mental treatment, he said he was kicked out of his home too. I really don't know the whole story, that much I was aware. Then he was in tears as he was sharing. Could tell that he went through some hard time in his life.
I remember seeing him, two years ago, with his family. He and his wife. There were very supportive. I was just shocked to see his current situation.
I just thought, I am so glad that I am closely connected with The Incarnation now (Swamiji) because who knows what the future holds for us. I am glad at least the connection with the Master, the most important thing is already happened. Of course, from here He will take me Inward.
All this is a great reminder not to take life for granted.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Inner Awakening
Next is Jayanthi.. First Jayanthi after the scandal. It's interesting to see, those who are standing by the Master, how strong and steady they are. Enlightened Community is happening.
Then Online NSP, international level will take place. Wow........awesome. Going beyond time and place, somehow I look forward to this shift. It will be interesting to see, how many able to cross the conditioning of place and space. God...........somehow, my visualization is it's going to be fun and extraordinary just like this IA. As He says, always the first one has it's own thrill !
Monday, December 13, 2010
Selfless love
Now, as I was sharing to my friend today, I realised, then I had trouble in that topic because I was not able to relate experientially to 'selfless love'. I was referring to Ma Sarada Devi. Who I didn't even know much about her till I moved in to the ashram. I was trying to present it through my reading and some understanding that's not even clear. Of course it's easier flow of sharing or presentation if it's from my own experience. I can speak confidently too.
Anyway, today I realised this topic is not difficult at all for me. I can easily talk about selfless love because I have the experience on the receiving end. I know what it means and I can relate with it. Swamiji is the being who is the 'Giver', and I am on the receiving end. Really the longer and more I help in Swami's mission, and being part of Swami's organization and mission, I TRULY know and experiencing of selfless love that Master showers on His people, overall to the society.
He is unconditional Giver. Reminds me of the saying how mothers' will breast feed her baby even if the child kicks her on her chest or bites her nipples, she will bear the pain and continue to feed the baby with much love, she relates with the child no different than herself, it's her own blood and flesh that she's holding and feeding. Anyway............that's my own connection with Swamiji, the Cosmic Mother. He showers unconditional love and care, I know experientially the meaning of selfless love.
For me, I experienced it by actively being part of Swami's mission. There's so many things you can do and share with the Sanggha or temple. Swami has created the space for everyone, we do not take the opportunity and we keep on pointing finger at the Master that He is selective, He is not giving me the experience, I didn't get a chance and so on............we missed these opportunities for many silly and petty reasons. So again welcome, join the Spiritual hub that Master has created in every corner of the world. These days even via online.
Friday, December 10, 2010
IA and eN-Genius
First energy darshan, I witnessed Swami healing a devotee who was not able to walk, walking down the stage after energy darshan. God..............what a joy! The whole, celebrated her healing. Everyone in the hall applauded...god. you should have witnessed it, many participants walked to the stage towards the healed participant and gave her a hug. We saw how much she was struggling, the first couple days in the ashram. And now to witness her walking down the stage and in the hall. No, right words to express that feeling of Joy for her and gratitude to Swamiji..
That's one of the highlights of this IA.
eN-Genius is my favorite. It's really cool to see the kids relating with the Master and also to see how sweetly Swami relate with the kids. The questions they ask him, God....way better than the questions from the adults. In fact from their questions to Swamiji, I learned a lot. So many clicks for me.
I see it as these kids attending IA at the age of 4, when we adults only getting connected with Him and spending around Incarnation in 30s and 40s. Not to mention in 50s and 60s :); these kids are exceptionally blessed souls.
Completely forgot.....
Wow....funny, actually I forgot completely about this blog. I just forgot completely the idea of blog itself and most importantly, I have one that I have been updating it. Anyway, glad at least I remembered it today. the most updated news with the scandal news is Swami Sachit is finally released from the 'protection' of Indian polices :) and he is doing well.
There's another update. Vinay is behind the bar. Vinay use to be associated with the foundation but left the foundation long time ago. However I came to know that he actually is one of the complainant against Swamiji for unusual sex. Mmmm...... supposedly he was a victim it seems. I lived in the LA ashram, again and again, all I can say is I have never lived in a place that is so safe and pure. Never one being there behaved lustfully. Anyhow, I can only speak for myself and count blessings.
Blessed are those who able to experience bliss and especially be still connected with the Divine who is here to awaken the divinity in us. Again words makes everything too small, only those have experienced Swami's grace and compassion, and blessed, happen to have the awareness or experience of the happening of the incarnation on planet earth, can relate with what I am expressing with NO doubt.
Friday, December 3, 2010
New Sex Scandal
While I was busy assisting with IA registration, suddenly we had to make space for the journalists / reporters. The breaking news of new scandal story about Swami, must have caught media's attention. Anyway, the best part was I was there while the press conference was held.
One of the speaker from the ashram was the famous Bhakta Swami. Wow.......saw the other dimension of Bhakta, standing up for the master. He was very clear and stern.
It was also interesting to hear his view and how he address one by one the statements published in the newspaper.
Ooops....have to go. I will have more time next couple days, since I'm done with IA registration.
I want to share a little more on this new scandal story, IA and my Favorite; the eN-Genius.
OK have to go now, catch-up with you soon.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
So much to share....
Happy Thanks Giving.....
God...I've took a long break from updating this blog. Just been focusing more into upcoming IA. Great learning process and expansion for me.
-Yes, there's so much I want to share but time is very limited for me right for long blog chat, will update briefly :)
- Kartikai Deepam was awesome. Thousands of light in Vaidhya Sarovar. I was privileged to lit many of them. Such a beautiful scene to witness.
-New life style in the ashram, I am getting use to it and as matter of fact I'm enjoying it these days -- morning Yoga / exercise followed by Guru Puja. Take bath and do Guru puja before having meal. Pretty neat.
-ENERGY DARSHANs........god, lately the energy darshan is extra ordinary. Too intense! Lucky fellows those who are coming for this IA.
- I've been a little busy with IA related work these days. It's fun. I enjoy the companies of the people here, in the ashram. mmm ...
- Oh, did I write about another Prathyaksha Pada, that I was give another chance to do. I've done it 7 times now. This is awesome.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sachit Swami......
All I knew is on the day he was arrested, that evening we had a quick meeting. As usual regular updates and announcement were made then a senior ashramite walked in and made an announcement that is under the Police custody. This arrest was a sudden and under the charge of destruction of evidence. Which is not true and the police have nothing to proof that.
Then regular activity continued. We continue to do our seva. Somehow, to think back, I thought he's been detained just to ask some questions and will be out on bail. mmm....he is still not out.
Honestly, there's nothing else other than to suspect all this drama is created just as the date for entire case filed against swamiji has been heading for a quash, maybe by end of November, this month.
God.........I cannot believe how mean this society has become to Vedic Spiritual leader and followers. After all we are just practising what we believe, an ancient and authentic spiritual science. Out of their own insecurity and jealousy, they are causing Swamiji and His followers so much trouble. I mean this is more than trouble......really, being in Bidadi ashram and to witness all these is really heartbreaking, with Swami's Grace we still able to live blissfully.
For the devotees and disciples, to know the truth find out the story from both side, and if you Really interested and if it means a lot to know more, the ashram is always open. Welcome and find out by yourself. See for first hand what's happening in the ashram too, not only simply listening to gossips and trusting the media.
Anyway, I can only speak for myself. I am glad right now I am in Bidadi ashram and I count my blessings to be Paramahamsa Nithyananda's disciple. If you are actively involve with the organization even at this moment, you will surely get to experience the existence of an Incarnation. There is no doubt, Swami is an incarnation! He radiates grace and extreme compassion in spite of all these cunningness by some part of the society towards Him............
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Pratyaksha Pada Puja (Direct Offering to the Divine)
So far in 3 months time I was given an opportunity to do Pratyaksha Pada Puja , 5 times. Never I imagined in my life I will get a chance to do this of offering to the Guru's feet this many time.
In one of the pada puja suddenly I had a click. Here, everything is well prepared by the ashramites (temple volunteers) for the pada puja. All I have to do is, go and sit, and follow the chanting as guided and do the puja. In the puja the chanting says....'I offer water, I offer food, I offer jewelery and so on, to you Master with deep gratitude.'
Suddenly, I realized "Oh God! even in life this is the mistake I am doing." I think I am offering help, donation and so on to Swami and the mission, but actually in reality it's just like this Pratyaksha Pada Puja, I only offer to Him, His own". The puja materials that I was offering belongs to the temple / foundation. Which was provided by Swamiji Himself. Now, I am sitting here saying...please take my offerings. In a bigger picture, I am doing the same thing with life. Existence provides me everything for my life and here I am thinking I am working hard to sustain this life, doing sadhana, giving the donation, giving my time and my energy to maintain this life, society or mission (which is existence itself).'s such a Big illusion.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Deepavali Celebration & My Societal Conditioning
--When they open the screen, wow! just like Swami (Swami's idol) sitting on His throne. If I didn't know Swami's out traveling, maybe I would've thought swami is the one who is sitting on the throne.
--Immediately, I thought...."God, who did this beautiful work? Gave us such a joy". I thought must be the temple team who worked late just to give us the experience of Swami's physical presence on this special day. Really, in the past, I wouldn't have appreciate all these work. With Swami's grace, I've done temple work and alankar. This dimension is truly and expansion in me.
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This is my fear. This is the fear the media / gov. put in me while in school, when they implemented the law to band firecrackers. Firecrackers = injury & suffering! |
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Maybe I had the same reaction :) |
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Yes.....the one, famous among kids was my choice. |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Master the Cosmic Glory: Happy Deepavali
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Yesterday was outing day for me. Krishnananda, Kaviya and myself, we the LA gang went to Banglore city. Of course we followed a local devotee. The fun part is we took a public bus and of course 'auto riksha' too. It was Krishnananda first time on a auto riksha. Of course because this is her first visit to India. Lucky her, first time ever she came to India, she went to Himalayas and also got initiated into sanyas. Nice.......
Banglore city, the bazzars and shops reminded me of Bombay, in someways. I really had a good time.
Oh.....I surprised Kaiviya and Krishnanda yesterday. Actually I was surprise with my own action. Yesterday, before we hit the road, to go back to Bidadi. We stopped at a place call 'Natural Ice-Cream'. mmm.....yummy. It's more like frozen yogurt place in the US, not the ice-cream but the choices and display.
Those who know me, they know I literally live with ice-cream. There was a season, I had ice-cream for breakfast , lunch, dinner and in between snacks. My friends at work (in Sunrise LA) they can tell stories Ma (me) and ice-cream. God....I will not eat anything at work other than ice-cream. My close friends, Stan, Krishna, Malini, Selina, talk to any of them, they will tell you that I will simply get excited when even I just think of ice-cream. Now.....I was completely relax, not excited, not craving...........and the best part yesterday I passed on ice-cream. I was not even aware that I passed on 'Ice-cream" till Kaviya told me "ma, I can't believe that You said no to ice-cream." When she brought to my attention, then even I was surprise. "You are right! It's not like!" I told her it could be the power of Master's initiation. These days we just eat twice a day. No snacking in between. Before each meal I have to take my bath and do Gurupuja. I had my breakfast in the morning before the trip to Banglore so before my second intake of food I have to take my bath and do puja, I will not be able to do until I get back home, so no snacking, that's all. I didn't even think further.

But honestly, it may look like simple for you to think it's normal and what's the big deal? Oh me, ice-cream, literally like an addiction. Especially already in the store and missing it, mmm......that's very unlikely. The best part is my brain didn't even think 'oh! it's ice-cream or I am missing something , .... ...! Until Kaviya brought it to my attention. Really, knowing myself, that's like 'Ice-cream dropped me' not 'I dropped the ice-cream'.
Difficult for me to express the inside feeling or engram.....dropping without my effort. Nice experience.....
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Nithyanandam everyone. Oopps another long break from sharing on the blog. Sorry!
I guess as IA date is getting closer, my mind is fully thinking of IA, most of the time.
Swami is really busy with eN-Kalpatarus. Divine really knows how to; reach seekers. I've never come across someone with such patience and compassion.
Today again Swami remimded us to be in awareness all the time.
Ooopps again have to go. Will continue or update more.....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Interesting words of the Master
Interesting words from Swamiji's discoourses / sharing:
1. "This time I'm not going to be crucified, I am not Jesus, I am Kalabhairava."
2. "I have deep love for all of you. I am still in this body just to be with you."
3. "We are all standing together, cosmos will stand with us. We are beautiful flowers in the cosmos."
4. "Let us disappear into courage."
5. "Let us all achieve and radiate enlightenment."
6. "Sanyas is awakening different levels of DNAs."
(will continue...have to go).
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hug and hugs....and nice healing HUG!
Recently Swami mentioned in His Nithyananda Sutra (morning talk), how important is mother's hug for a child.
- As Swami always mentioned, don't have to take down notes, if it's meant for you; you will remember. Which ever you don't remember, we don't have to worry about it.
- In that talk, I remember Him saying "even though a child get enough food and nutrition for 14 days but if did not get a hug from the mother.....can cause death". Did I remember it right, or heard the way I wanted to hear? :)
- Then He mentioned something like the mother's doesn't have all her 12 DNA strands awaken. Generally one, normally not even two. Then He connected to how much healing will it be a hug from a cosmic / divine mother who has all her 12 DNA strands awaken?"
- GOD......I don't if all 12 DNA strands of Swamiji is awaken. Or more like I cannot proof or I don't have any scientific or logical data for it.
- One thing I know is my experience. Not only feel the healing, when Swami gives a hug but I know people who are aware, they also feel happy for others.
For sure I can relate when He says His hug is like Divine Mother's hug. Not a single ahsramites want to take it for granted because we have received is many times.
- If we all could remember the moments of energy darshan, maybe you'll remember at least glimpses of what I am sharing. (Doesn't matter whether you are a male/ female/ old / young /devotees or ex-devotees). No one can escape from the blazing light of the Sun and cooling light of the full moon.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Name and identity
Just thought will share a small story of Master's play with my identity.
When I met Swami my name was Sharmila or also known as Milla. Then on Feb. 14, 2004, I received a spiritual name Ma Ananda Praba. First NSP ever Swami did and this is the first time ever Swami started giving Spiritual Name. For me, then idea was, when divine gives.....just accept humbly. So was happy to receive this name from Swamiji. Even though one corner in my heart, I was think....god! PrabAAA, sounds so masculine. Why not like others...Usha, Shanti, Vimala :)
Of course there's not much choice there. Just accept and live with it. Just because it came from the Master, I started liking it. Or maybe even better, I simply started using it.
Then in the year 2005, I remember reading on the website; Ma Nithyananda Priya Mayi. I clearly remember thinking, "God...what a lucky person, she has her name after the Master". Then I remember Swami gave initiation in the first Nithyanandam program, year 2005 in Bidadi. Of course, I went and sat in the batch, want to apply to become an ashramite. He did some rituals and gave initiation to the group. So lucky me, He didn't ask me any question. Simply let me be in the group and gave the initiation. That time, He announced whoever wants spiritual name they have to commit to change it legally. Since I already have one, I did not apply.
The following year, early 2006 (I think) matter of couple months, Swami was on His world tour visiting US. I remember clearly it was in Sanatana Dharma Temple, LA, CA (DSP). Many were applying for spiritual name. Then a batch of people were called to stand in line to receive spiritual name. One of the LA ashramite (I was not an ashramite then) called me to stand in line too. I remember telling her, 'I already have a spiritual name'. She verified with me, "are you Ma Ananda Praba?". I said "Yes". She said "OK, then stand in line, please."
There comes my turn to get closer to Swamiji. Not knowing what is it about when I already have a spiritual name as Ma Ananda Praba. So now, I am near Swamiji. He gave me energy darshan. Then He uttered "Your name is Ma Nithyananda Praba". When I heard that, I was so happy. Unexpected, just had a thought how someone else is so lucky to have her name after the Master's name. Now He is showering it to me, without even asking. It was a pleasant surprise. I actually jumped-up and gave Him another hug. Yes, this time Swami didn't give me the hug, I gave Him :)
Then I wanted to change my name legally. So Swami suggested to have Nithyananda as the last name. So my name: Ma Nithyananda Praba, legally now my name is Praba Ma Nithyananda. Can't use Ma or Nithyananda as first the name. Almost everyone in the ashram is ma or pa and nithyananda. OK are you following....
By now I already have 3 versions of spiritual name:
Ma Ananda Praba
Ma Nithyananda Praba (legally as Praba Ma Nithyananda)
and after four years the sanyas initiation when Swami gave me energy darshan He uttered
"Ma Nithya Prabananda". Again after bow down and took the kavi from His feet, He said it again "Your name is Ma Nithya Prabananda". I shook my head, confirming, yes...OK :)
So here you go, talking about Master breaking the identity.
Actually, I remember one of the LA ashramite, Sri Niranjana, before I leave to Bidadi in this visit. He said , maybe Swami should give a new name for you. After all these scandal and abusal. I also told him, 'yeah, it will be nice'. But then I thought, well....I already change it legally, I don't think that's going to happen.
The funny thing is even with Ma Nithya Prabananda - legally if I follow as described by Swamiji; my name will be the same as now, Praba Ma Nithyananda. Because I remember Him saying, if you have Nithya and Ananda, just have as Nithyananda as your last name. So Ma Nithya Prabananda legally it will be as my current version Ma Praba Nithyananda. Interesting!
Anyway, with my writing skill...., in the name of sharing, did I confuse You? Started as a small story , now has become a Longgg story :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
17 Oct 2010 eN News - The Celebration
Here's some video clips of the celebration. I happened to read the news. Actually I was feeling sleepy while reading this news.....seriously. I just had a day full of activities.
Initiated into probationary sanyas (Yellow Kavi)
The whole event became extra fun and special with Swamiji's spontaneity. Before the initiation, at Vaidhya Sarovar, Prana Maharaj and Bhakta Swami reminded me "after this, you will receive initiation". (I wasn't exactly sure what initiation Swami's going to give me). I guessed could be sanyas because that's one thing I expressed to Him in the year of 2007, when He gave first sanyas initiation in Duarte ashram for other LA ashramites.
You know....with Swami, we can't really predict. When we are very sure, He will flip it to something else. Anyway, so from Vaidhya Sarovar, I left early got ready and went to chit sabha on time. Just before the ceremony, Bhakta Swami came and called Gnanamaya (aka Barathi in LA) and myself to go to the stage from the back end. In the front the stage curtain was still closed..
On the stage, there were only 3 of us to be initiated. I was actually very surprise. It was Gnanamaya, myself, and another Indian male ashramite. So the curtain was opened, with the 3 of us on the stage. It was announced "Probation sanyas will be given to 3 ashramites". My name was called first. Any I was sitting very close to Swami's feet. First Swami gave the Gayatri Initiation and put the sacred thread for me, then He gave me energy darshan with blessings. Finally I bow down and took the Yellow kavi from His feet. After initiated the other 2 ashramites, He went into this 'givers' mood. He asked Prana Maharaj bring out more kavis. Then He was simply calling people's name and gave them upgraded sanyas. From yellow to orange. Also from orange to full kavi. Then He opened to the devotees. Who wants sanyas? Not all from the devotees list who wanted got sanyas, but many did. I could just go on and on, talk about the event.
It was Too Much FUN!
In the Living Enlightenment book, there's a topic Swami talks about Sanyas, for those who are curious about the significance of Sanyas initiation.
Celebrations part 2 :)
God....I forgot that I need to update this blog. Anyway, by now you must have heard what happened on the 17th.
Continuing from where I left. So the morning session ended with a beautiful energy darshan.When it was my turn for darshan, I received the darshan first then I bow down to touch swami's feet. By then someone else already getting darshan on His right side. After namaskar, I got-up and started walking away, just like two steps away, Swami called "Hey!" I turned and looked at Him, He said "I will give you initiation today". I just smiled and walked away. Swami had a big smile too.
Then around 3:00pm, there was Holli celebration in the temple (at the entrance of the temple). Swami took orange powder and put some color on Bhakta Swami's face. Then gave the whole tray to him. There goes colorful party. Interesting to witness, nobody got upset. Even though some giving instruction not to put color on them, of course everyone was in a playful mood. So no instruction was obeyed. The interesting part is nobody got upset. Nice to see....the whole crowd participated, laughing and running.
The interesting thing is many of them are living on 'aprigraha' or simplicity. With only two sets of sarees and maybe one or two set of salwar Kameez, seeing all this color on their saree.....made my to be a little concern. With that in mind, and especially for me, I was wearing a brand new ashram way I got close to the 'holli crowd'. I stayed in the temple and watched the fun from there. Once in a while when someone run into the temple, I manage to hide myself in the store room :) Uuuhh! manage safe to my saree from the holli colorful powder.
Then from the temple, took all the Navratri deities in a procession to Vaidhya Sarovar (Energized large pond), Immersed the deities in a smaller pond, next to Vaidhya Saravor. Then went to Vaidhya Sarovor and Swami sat on a very beautifully decorated float. The rest when in the pond. Again since I just had my bath and wearing a new saree, I stayed dry and watched the crowd so blissfully singing and dancing in the pond. Nice, fun and loud music was playing. Everybody was having so much fun. It was amazing to witness this. Really, I remember thinking, blessed are these people, very happy!
Ha! now Swami saw me standing.......from the pond sitting on the float, He waved at me, to come in and take a dip in the pond. OK, now I have to join. Here you go.....went and joined the blissful crowd.
So much fun!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Celebration after celebration ......
-Yesterday was the end Dasara celebration. Yesterday the celebration went on the whole day here in Bidadi.
- I started my day preparing for Guru Puja, then of course attended the Pratyaksha Pada Puja and Swami's morning message. Oh, prior to that, there was Devi abishekam. Beautiful.....really nice. Yes, Swami did it.
(I think it was called Patta Abishekam)
-Swami's morning message, He showered 'blessings' to everything and everyone including to Him. That was very unique.
-Then in the same space we had cultural program. Cultural program started with performance by the Gurukal kids. It was very cute and fun. Then a few brahmacharinis sang songs. Finally....a grand finale; a surprise to everyone, the brahmacharis, brought a very beautifully decorated Devi, like a dancing procession. It was beautifully done. Look for the pictures on our website and these boys they also sang Shiva Purana.
Swami sang along with them in the beginning.
-Swami said He was so pleased with these brahmacharis. The software engineers, doctors and all kind of successful people in their career world, know nothing about Vedic Tradition, and now able to come up with this and also sang praises of Lord Shiva.
-For me, when I saw, it was like Swami gave 'birth' to these brahmacharis, the beginning of new life. Spiritual life. (have to go.....will continue)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Swami only gave, more than I can give, especially when it comes to trust. In society I would not be qualified and people wouldn't trust me for the big tasks that Swami gave me the opportunity to do. Basically I do not have the knowledge for it. Even I would not give that much trust to myself.
I would not trust myself to manage the temple. Not only I was managing the temple, I was coordinating it at the national level. I would not trust myself to represent Vedic culture to the public. He put me out in front - I had such a personal connection with many devotees - trusting me with his good reputation. I handled so much cash and made many decisions that involved so much spending. I couldn't believe I was hand picked to do such seva. Many many times, I made blundering mistakes - even I would have been so upset with myself - but Swami never 'poked' me on these points. If needed He questioned me but He kept on trusting me and giving me opportunities to do even bigger things. He keep on giving me chances, to do it again and again and again till I feel comfortable or till I grow.
I trust Swamiji because He trusted me more than I trust myself.
Navaratri - Chandi Homa
We just finish 2nd day Chandi Homa. The highlight is the gurukal kids (boys and girls) were worshiped.
Then followed by brahmacharinis and rishis (married woman). To witness Swamiji (an incarnation) to pay respect and do puja was the best.
Being a woman, I can tell, actually in Swami's ashram women are treated so divinely. Women are empowered. Of course, even this statement can be manipulated.Only thing I can tell you is, don't worry about what others say, what media projects, ........instead remember your time with Swamiji. Was He very patient and healing or the other way around?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Always something special ...
Today's special was Maheswara Puja. mmm....Maheswara Puja itself is not that special for me but getting food from Swami's hand is the highlight. Yes!
I've heard when Enlightened Beings eat food in someone's house, it seems they also 'swallow' their (the host) sins and karma. And imagine this is even better sharing food with the Enlightened Being (like a big family).
Of course generally only the Sanyasis gets it but Master is too compassionate so He gave to the Rishis (married couples) too. I am neither Sanyasi nor Rishi, again here comes Master's compassion, and gave me handful of rice from His plate.
The idea behind Maheswara Puja is to do Shanti prayers and feel the soul that has left the body. Since sanyasis have renounced everything and they are considered as do not have any identity or attachment, so feeding them is like feeding the cosmos and believe will reach the soul. (that's my understanding)
It was fun! I served the sanyasis food. today is the first Maheswara Puja, my ego was not in the was at all.
It was a nice feeling.
Monday, October 11, 2010
LEP comes to an end.....
Yes, LEP session comes to an end today, well...maybe yesterday evening around 7:30pm, after the energy darshan. But I personally think the work is just going to begin. More than 40 participants received Swami's energized paduka. They have committed to have satsang centers.
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A small tip:
It seems whatever thoughts we have while eating and bathing we tend to execute it unconsciously. So at least while bathing and eating we should have awareness. Of course I heard this from the Master. So just sharing.....
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Very Special Day....
Today's been another 'ultimate' or another exceptionally beautiful for me.
This morning I had an opportunity to do Pratyaksha Pada puja again. This is my 3rd time, since I've been in Bidadi in this visit. Today I got the center spot. As though so close to the Divine and had the blessings to see Him with full heart. Just so content. Honestly, now even this desire to do pada puja has been fullfilled. Even though I have done it in the past, still I always feel greedy to do pada puja for Swamiji. Just because I've read and heard the benefits of it. I feel so blessed to do that seva, washing the feet of the divine and doing seva for the divine mother. For me, one of the ultimate thing, can be done in this body is doing seva for the Divine Mother. Anyway, that's me and my 'world'.
Today after the puja, Swami gave me blessings. God....He said something that I always wanted to hear from him. He said something like this "All the auspiciousness.........(can't remember the rest and then I heard) You will be with me and I will be with you." If you notice, Swami always says 'I will be with You'. Which I know divine is very compassionate, He is always with me. The thing I know is me and my mind, tend to ignore and prevent to be connected to the existence.
Very few times, I've heard Swami blesses 'You will be with me'. As matter of fact I've heard it only once, He blessed Bhakta Swami in Duarte for his birthday either in 2006 or 2007. Even then itself, I thought...'wow, this is different, He says You will be with Me?'. That's rare.
This time, when I arrived in Bidadi and got my first blessings, I think Swami did say the same thing, 'You will be with me." But as usual the mind plays a game...I start doubting, 'did He really said that'? But today I know for sure He said it. He made sure I heard it well too. Swami said very slowly, He paused and stressed it when He said "You will be with ME, I will be With YOU".
Oh another important thing, when said that, I am Not relating with His physical form. I understood as I will always be connected to This Divine Energy. Yes, no doubt I enjoy being in the presence of the Master. But many people, automatically make a conclusion, that being with Him means being around Him in His physical presence. NO, at least for me it means I will be with the flow of His energy, not against the current. Being able to recognize & experience He is Formless is a blessing.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Gang is back from Himalayas
Swami arrived in the ashram yesterday around 2:30pm. All the ashramites, Gurukal kids, Brahmacaris, Brahmacarinis, Rishis', LEP participants and volunteers, gathered in front of the temple to receive Swamiji.
- More than excitement, for me is like deep relief and a kind of feeling that was subtle the same time deep peace and happiness to see Swamiji.
- This season being around Swamiji, one major highlight is witnessing His grace deeper than what I saw in the past. Every single movement is so graceful. There's not a single dot of violence. Even when He's handling His handkerchief.
- Swami spent about 30 to 40 minutes with all of us in the temple. Sharing some progress that happened in the trip. His met with Nirvani Akkada people.
- Obstacles and miracles in the Himalayas. One of the path was blocked for safety reason. So the senior ashramite came and reported to Swami that "we can't go there". The road is closed. ....." Swami then asked him to show the route on a map. Swami put His finger one the map and moved His finger on the route (map) this Yatra has to travel, to clear the obstacles. Soon the ashramite came back and reported that they can continue with the plan. The road is now open to the public.
- So many other nice things He shared.....I forgot, sorry!
- After the meet in the temple, Swami spent more than 2 hours with the ashramites. That was fun!
- Oh in the meeting Swami gave His mother, blessings to conduct eN-Satsang. Any number of people can get together in one place (doesn't even have to be large group); devotee's house, log into Skype, arrange the best time with Bidadi team...we will arrange 'amma' to share her view and experience. For now she will speak in Tamil. I think that's really cool! To hear the 'mother' speak. email: or if you know me, feel free to contact me. Will get you a spot.
What else.....mmm, well...., I will stop here for now. If I think of something else, I will share more.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Nadi or Palm Leaf Reading - Ancient Science
Palm leaf reading or also known as Nadi. I've heard about but now it's a 'hot' thing here again. Many of the LEP participants who didn't join the Himalayas trip, went to Pondicherry for the Nadi reading.
It's very interesting to hear all their experiences. I had a chance to sit and listen first hand experience of participant. He's from New Zealand. He said how this Nadi reader able to tell his parents name, how many siblings and some of his personal life information accurately. Then the Nadi reader also mentioned about His Spiritual life it seems. Everything seems like pretty accurate. In fact the Nadi reader also mentioned about Swami's blessings for the individuals and blessings for the group.
Talking about Nadi reading, a senior ashramites was mentioning about Nadi reading for Swamiji. It's pretty interesting to hear about Swami's reading. I am sure most of you have come across it, but here is the link:
Paramahamsa Nithyananda - Krishna Nee Begane
For those who are in LOVE with the Divine,
please watch it with your heart!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Found a funny blog
Note: For those who are not aware, there is an anti-social (spiritual) element group created a blog calling Standup for Swamiji (Nithyananda). You know if they are anti-spiritual, what type of content they must have posted. So I guess this stand-up for dog is the antidote.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Trust even if you are exploited!
Actually, beside our regular tasks in the ashram, there was an initiative from one of the senior Maharaj, he decided to help the brahmacharis and brahmacarinis to internalize Swami's teachings.
One of the way is to have a very short discussion or forum. This is whenever we are chatting while waiting for the meeting to start or in the dining room chit-chatting while eating, he suggested we will start talking about Swami or His teachings. Even if it's just for 5 minutes. He said the whole problem with our mission is because we never internalize Swami's words and no depth in understanding about the mission . (again these are my words, can't remember exact words he used).
Another thing that he suggested was to do a thorough research and study of a favorite topic or a something relevant to our service in the mission. This he said "do a presentation". He said like presentation in the colleges. Then he went around asking for topics voluntarily. Here you go, I raised my hand and suggested "being in the presence of the Master". The rational behind that topic was I truly believe there will be a huge transformation being in the presence of the Living Master but I always had difficulty to put it in words when my friends talk to me on this subject in a debating or argumentative way. And on top of it now my seva (volunteering service) is doing the Healing Tower work, sharing my spiritual experience.
If I am given the power to decide for all my friends and family (of course family in a big picture, all the devotees) I will bring all of them to this up coming Inner Awakening Program, so they can be in the physical presence of the Master, especially now He is out after a major abusal from the society and being in the seclusion for 53 days. One should be in His presence, then they will understand what are they missing. They may not know now right away, but I tell you from my experience, this will allow Swamiji to give birth to a 'NEW YOU'. Oh God.... I just wish everybody could see the importance of it. Anyway based on this, I thought if I internalize it, I will be able to express and verbalize it better, so it will benefit others and myself.
Now, came my turn and I said out loud the topic 'Being in the Presence of the Master'. Maharaj looked at me, the very next second, he said " have deeper experience, come-up with some other topic'. I think He gave that topic to some other bramacharinis. Oh no...!
Here you go, next 15 minutes, I was thinking all different type of topics. In fact I told Maharaj, "something deeper???" laughingly I said "should I talk about societies' abuses to be a spiritual seeker". We laughed and he said, 'no, you don't have to talk about that'. I raised my hand again, told him "Why don't you suggest a topic for me." He said "I've been thinking, but nothing is falling in place yet". In matter of minutes he said he thought of a topic for me.
Can you Guess???? He said .......
Honestly my first reaction Cry. It was like arrows of words hit me. Really, after that whole time I was in the meeting, whenever I think about this title.....felt like crying.
Somehow, I felt like, it was a painful experience. I really wondered based on what did he pick that title for me.
The title is "TRUST even if you are Exploited"
Recently, I went through a divorce. The divorce happened in such an 'ugly' and painful way ( that was my experience). Some how I felt strongly, I lived Master's teachings the whole time 'Trusted and trusted and trusted.....'. Each time.....I gave my trust, I received as a return exploitation." Just by one person. Truly, that was my experience and feeling. Whether it's my ego or imagination or truth................that's is the strong experience I went through my divorce.
Never, I understood the concept of 'trust even if you are exploited'. When first time I heard from Swamiji, I wondered....'how can you trust someone, when you are exploited'?. I remember Swami was referring to Ma Sarada Devi's life.
God....I must have either picked up from Swamiji or He must have 'installed' that 'software' or His bio-memory in me, to trust someone, to live life with trust. Honestly.....if you know my story of divorce, I am pretty sure you will agree with me, that my trust was exploited each time. However as mentioned in Swami's teaching, when you trust even when we are exploited, we do live like a king. It doesn't make sense, but this is like's beyond logic. Again I am stuck, not able to verbalize.
However the good news is one of my dear friends, with whom I've shared most of my personal life story especially the journey I went through while divorcing and my life after that, put my experience of 'TRUST even if you are exploited' in writing, with the idea to help me to present the topic relating it with my personal life story and end with Master's teachings.
I did promise to some of you, I will email that content.....still not comfortable to share it up in the web publicly. But I am willing to share, just email me....if I know you, I will share it with you.
Here you sharing for today.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Inner Healing
Inner Healing with four senior Swamis. Many issues were addressed, stories shared, questions answered. It was held in Bidadi ashram yesterday. Originally planned for an hour but it was too much fun & open sharing, it went on almost for 2 hours.
Some questions I remember, why sharing your experience is given so much importance?, is sanyas needed for enlightenment?, 53 days in the prison with Swamiji what is one highlight or something you would say? (I forgot the exact question, but something close to this).
1) Sharing (this was referred to sharing through Healing Towers or facebook or share it with family and friends). Every sanyasis shared their view but one that I still remember is by sharing it stays with you forever. He guaranteed this method (sharing) will bold your experience in you. Ofcourse he explained that's from his personal experience. He said when we share the experience becomes more concrete in us. He gave examples, right after any program, everyone will be in the high mood, normally everyone gets a chance to share their experience. By sharing not only we keep reminding ourselves the highest state that we have experienced; there's always a chance we can be an inspiration to others. (Actually it was really great sharing and answers but only this much I remember for now. Of course it was also mentioned about the gratitude feeling that people will have towards you, if you happen to be the bridge, connecting them with the Master).
2) Sanyas is it needed for Enlightenment? One of the answer that I remember, Sanyas surely helps the process /path to be enlightened.
3) One thing was described about Swamiji in the 53 days was Swamiji's innocence. Because of the innocence Swamiji is so compassion. When Bhakta Swami was sharing his experience being in the same physical space with the Master (53 days in the prison), as though I could experience the truth he was sharing....Inocence of Swamiji that he experienced.
Someone asked Swami Sachit if he ever felt why he was not there in Bhakta's place to take care of Swamiji; Sachit answered, he thinks there couldn't be a better person than Bhakta to be there with the Swami at that moment.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My Favorite Quotes from Swamiji's teachings:
1) Whenever you express love you become a channel for healing energy to flow.
2) Only when you feel responsible for all that is happening around you, you become a leader.
3)There can be no logic about god, there can only be love.
4) Expectation is the first enemy of love.
5) Destiny is how you choose to respond to every situation life presents to you.
6) Constantly trying to suck energy from others is what I call 'attention need'.
7) Real love simply liberates. It gives freedom to you and the other person.
8) With Sanyas, you will continue to do what you are doing but in much better way.
9) Any task done with the energy of inspiration always gives good results.
10) Worry is created out ignorance, and sustained by ego.
11)Management is not about managing. It is about living by example.
12) Your life is powerful enough to make whatever you want as reality.
13) Acceptance of fear dissolves the fear.
14) Your intensity will increase when your actions starts falling in alignment with your intentions.
15) Trust even when you are exploited.
16) 90% of your worries never materialize.
17) Nobody can hurt you unless you permit, nobody can help you unless you permit.
18) All your negativity has one power, your faith in it.
19) Giving love and attention to others is the only solution for your attention-need.
20) Coming closer to Master is the path to becoming Master.
21) Master waits many lives for you. But you have to say 'YES'
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Master the Cosmic Glory: - Healed my anger, hatred and negative thinking of...

He is one being who have given me a chance to do temple seva, by not judging me. Being a woman born and brought up in Malaysia (Islamic Country), not having a single knowledge about the vedic tradition, not to mention not from a 'priest' caste, oh...well being a woman itself we will not get a chance to do any major service in the temple (as in the general Indian society) ......not to mention so many reasons, nobody will give me a chance like Swami did. Even though He had to face the criticism from the society to put me in charge for The Vedic Temple, but for the sake of healing even one person, He is ready to take the risk. This actually broke my conditioning about woman in Vedic or overall Hinduism. Now, I have a complete shift about Hinduism. Women are treated Divinely. I am telling from 1st hand experience....
I also use to have fear of height (not acrophobia though), I can never stand on high ladders. But one day I realise standing on a 10' height ladder, on top, with saree! what happen? I was helping to put the crown for 'Lord Venkathewasra' (a 10' height deity in LA Vedic Temple, in Montclair now but this incident happened in Duarte; before moving to Montclair). The moment I realize, " hey I might fall down " the usual fear. It's too late. First of all I was holding something very precious -- venkatheswara's crown, almost done with the alankar (decoration), so no way I'm going to mess that, then it's been many times I have been helping for this in the past, nothing happened so I just stood still finish the work. Here you out of that fear or engram. It may seem simple, but only if you have experience you understand, it's not easy to come out of these type of conditioning. Really....
So many other things, example; not knowing how to chant. Come out of that low self-esteem and judgement. When I could chant and do rituals, (a person, base on the societie's requirement, rarely people will take the risk to put people like me to do rituals and manage a large temple, even I, if there's so call interview without Swami's teaching, will Never Ever consider people with my background will be qualified or accepted by the society to take the temple management and ritual responsibility). Since now Swami has given me a chance, taking the risk and critism from the public, I am very convince, anybody can be helped, not to worry about so called societal moral values. Never Ever judge someone base on the knowledge we have. It's difficult for me to put in words. I am willing to share if you are interested. May be I can call..... :) email me if you are's that?!
Really I can go on list things 'how I've been helped in many ways' by doing service under Swami. I find it difficult to put it in simple and short sentences.
When I said Swami, I am referring any enlightened being. I just happened to be connected to Swami and His teaching. I know with Swamiji (all enlightened beings)are here to help us, there's nothing we can do to help them. They have attain the ultimate. Everything we think we are doing for them is actually only to help ourselves. Again of course this is from my life experience.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Seva in the Enlightened Masters' Space
I thought today I will share my personal experience.
I truly hated Hindu or temple rituals. God....really, I never appreciated it. This big... big rituals, always felt it's a waste of time and material. Worse still, never understood a single chanting or the rituals, ....well, it was a Waste. Really.
Only when I started doing seva (volunteering service) I had a breakthrough and mental shift. Huge Shift!!!
will continue......
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Radiating inner & outer Peace!
Today's message is so lovely. Personally perfect message for me.
Real peace is completely being established in Compassion in the internal world and tremendous Courage to face the external world. When we have real peace, our presence / existence heals the world.
Swami stressed the point: Time is a thread made out of Conscious Cotton. The supply of conscious cotton is eternal and inexhaustible. Then He explained, when we are clear time is a conscious thread, then will have the knowledge, the science of taking one more body.
Swami related this wisdom, with the scandal incident. So much threat to His life. However the fear did not touch His being (my own words) because He knows the Science of taking one more body.
Yesterday, I had such a relaxxxed day. Spend time cleaning the apartment. Took a nap, had nice Big dinner, and went to bed early too. However, I had chance to spend time with one of the senior sanyasi, he was sharing how we need to just simply stretch ourselves, even after everything that has said and done. It's our responsibility to serve the society and just be compassionate and go out of our way. I clearly remember the word stretch. He said we need to 'stretch' ourselves for others not just be in our comfort zone. Something like that.....
Then this morning Swami's message fit well with yesterday's conversation - establish in complete compassion and have tremendous courage. Great click for me!
Also in the message, another click, He said (again these are my words from what I remember- you know, we only hear what we want to hear) When the resources change, situations change, understanding the change and just flow with the resources available for you. Flow with the changing strategies! Ability to be able to go with the flow of the changing situations, that's what I call as real peace. It's your conscious decision you are here. Do not be threaten by anybody. At the most they can only delay!
There is no one life. You have eternal life. Just relax into this one truth.
Life is not worth of any suffering. Anything that disturbs peace, make it piece! piece! piece! :)
Just have the ability to change the strategy. Sometime it (the strategy, people, things, place, anthing) was important but does not have the importance now. Understanding to flow. They are liberated people. Have the fluidity!
People who are flying with me, they are the ultimate stable people. Living in the utter insecurity is enlightenment.
Of course, I have heard this type of messages before but today it 'hit' me and it's a great click. I was in the Sarwa Darshan line, and got blessings from Swamiji this morning. Felt really good and light. Beautiful feeling.
Thanks to everyone who are sending nice messages to me. Appreciate it very much. Thank you again....
Having Own TV Station
Our web TV is not even a month old since Swami inaugurated it. I personally felt, 'Oh God....I am glad we have our own station. At least we can air the news from our side too...'. Really that's what I thought when Deccan Herald simply released defamatory article.
Before, I came to Bidadi, many said, if it's published in the newspaper, there must be some truth in it. Made sense....logically, but I know my experience with Swamiji is different (especially being a woman) but I'm able to express it logically. So I listened and move on with no words because I do not have facts on my side, only experience.
I was shocked when I arrived in Bidadi all the things, some of these officials do and to see how media abuse Swamiji. I am living here right now, and one of the tv channel aired a news saying that Swami's running a prostitution center. It was just because one fellow is reporting some is being hurt / raped here in Bidadi. Up to now, none of 'the raped victim'has been identified. The same time I saw how the legal authorities did not want to take any complains from the ashram's side, when the ashramites wanted to file a complain. Now, I saw the printed material from Deccan Herald ....just wrote and print an article as they like. Actually, I came to know such woman who they claimed to step-up and complained against Swamiji did not even exist, the writer created just to get 'hits' of sensational news.
I am glad that we at least have web tv. We are working on improving the quality. Please bear with us, this eNTV is a new initiative for us - a baby so to speak. (English) (Tamil)
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's been another beautiful day for me.
I love Swami's message yesterday morning. True Love, how both beings' awareness flow into each other or 'overlaps'. So beautifully He explained the so called love; connection in physical level and mental level.
Then yesterday there I came to know another way some of the Indian medias abusing the spiritual Masters. Of course it's up on the Dhyanapeetam site. About the movie defaming swamiji based on rumors and complete irresponsible....(how am i suppose to describe this)any way let me just stop here. Check out the link on Dhyanapeetam website:
God....actually, I started writing with some additional flow but now, the link above made me to something else.
How long will we go On abuse these spiritual beings, just out of our own deep fear and greed. God.....I just can believe this!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Evening Yoga Sutra talk was great. But honestly, I can't remember a single point. I clearly remember He putting us in a loonnggggggg meditation. One point I had to open my eyes, to assist a lady in the meditation session. So I assisted and then continue to assist the whole group, the ladies section. Pretty neat to see, the magic that happens when our Vyana get balanced.
Yesterday I had a chance to interview sharing experience while the 'scandal time' God.....everyone should watch this program. It's mind boggling to hear the story from all different end. Living in LA, I've heard the story from Internet, TV, friends, devotees, ex-ashramites, and also from the people who 'dropped' Swamiji. Now, to hear the story from this end it's completely another dimension. God.....the sensational story, facts and Truth are all so different. It's interesting to see how our mind made judgement based on very limited information as though we know everything.
I am 'growing' everyday.......each day understanding the play of mind even better, each day I'm learning something...truth, patient, world, friends, family, relationships, society, compassion, love........